Calcium Score: The Complete Guide

October 18, 2024
min read
Dr. Steven Lu
Chief Medical Officer | MBBS (hons) | DCH FRACGP
Calcium Score: The Complete Guide

A Coronary Calcium Test should be on your radar if you’re serious about your heart health.

A calcium score measures the amount of calcified plaque in your coronary arteries, giving you a snapshot of your heart disease risk. Today, I’ll break down everything you need to know about calcium scores - what they are, how they’re measured, what is a good or bad score, why it matters for your health and how to improve it.

What is a Coronary Calcium Scan?

A coronary calcium scan is a specialised CT scan that examines the arteries supplying blood to your heart. It’s a powerful tool for detecting early signs of heart disease, especially for those with risk factors or a family history.

What Does a Coronary Calcium Scan Measure?

The scan results in a calcium score that quantifies the amount of calcified plaque in your coronary arteries. This plaque, which consists of calcium deposits, can narrow your arteries and restrict blood flow, increasing your risk of heart disease, including heart attacks. A score of 0 means no calcium detected, suggesting a lower risk of heart disease. Higher scores indicate increasing levels of calcium and consequently, a higher risk of heart problems.

Coronary artery calcium in the left anterior descending (LAD) and first diagonal (D1) arteries, AJGP

How Does A Coronary Calcium Scan Work?

During the scan, you’ll lie on a table that slides into a CT scanner. The machine captures detailed images of your heart, looking for calcium deposits in your coronary arteries. These deposits can indicate plaque buildup, which may narrow your arteries and increase your risk of a heart attack.

Why Is A Coronary Calcium Scan Valuable?

This quick, non-invasive test can provide crucial information about your heart health, often before symptoms appear. It helps doctors assess your risk more accurately than traditional factors alone, allowing for personalised prevention strategies and interventions.

Calcium Testing and Cardiovascular Risk - Why It's Important For Your Health?

I can’t stress enough how crucial your coronary calcium score is for understanding your heart health. This simple test provides invaluable insights into your risk of heart disease, which could be a game-changer for your long-term well-being.

A window into your arteries

A coronary calcium scan is like a sneak peek into your coronary arteries. It measures calcium deposits, which can indicate plaque buildup. The higher your score, the greater your risk of heart problems. For instance, a score above 400 suggests extensive coronary artery disease, while a zero score means no detectable calcium.

Personalised risk assessment

What I find fascinating is how this can refine our understanding of heart disease risk. According to John Hopkins Medicine, the calcium score can more accurately identify individuals at high or low risk of heart events, even among those thought to be at different risk levels based on traditional factors alone.

Guiding your heart health journey

Armed with your calcium score, we can make more informed decisions about your heart health. Whether it’s starting medication, tweaking your diet, or ramping up your exercise routine, this score helps tailor a plan that’s uniquely yours.

What Does Your Calcium Score Mean?

Understanding your calcium score is crucial for assessing your heart health. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the score ranges from 0 to over 400, with each bracket indicating a different level of risk.

Calcium Score Range

  • A score of 0: No calcium detected, indicating a low risk of coronary artery disease.
  • A score of 1-10: Minimal plaque, suggesting a low risk of heart disease.
  • A score of 11-100: Mild plaque buildup, indicating a moderate chance of heart attack.
  • A score of 101-400: Moderate plaque buildup, suggesting a higher risk of heart disease.
  • Score above 400: Extensive plaque buildup, pointing to a very high risk of heart disease and a greater than 90% chance of a blocked artery.

What’s A Normal Calcium Score?

A score of 0 is ideal, indicating no detectable calcium and a low risk of heart attack. Scores between 1-10 suggest minimal plaque build-up and less than 10% chance of heart disease. I consider these ranges normal and reassuring for most people.

What’s A Bad/High Risk Calcium Score and Possible Causes?

Scores from 11-100 signal mild heart disease and a moderate chance of heart attack. More concerning are scores of 101-400, indicating moderate heart disease and a higher risk. Scores exceeding 400 suggest extensive heart disease and a greater than 90% chance of a blocked artery.

Abnormal scores often result from factors like age, genetics, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes or a sedentary lifestyle. It’s crucial to discuss your score with a healthcare provider to understand its implications for your overall cardiovascular health and determine appropriate next steps.

What Are The Limitations of Coronary Calcium Scores?

However, it’s crucial to understand the test’s limitations. Calcium scoring may not detect non-calcified plaque and isn’t suitable for all patients. Additionally, a recent study suggests it may not accurately gauge risk in younger individuals for those with artery blockage symptoms.

How To Improve Your Calcium Score?

I know that focusing solely on your calcium score isn’t enough. Let’s explore some powerful ways to boost your heart health holistically.

Embrace a Heart-Healthy Diet

A truly heart-friendly diet goes beyond just cutting out junk food. I recommend loading up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit your intake of added sugars and sodium. For optimal heart health, aim for no more than 100-150 calories from added sugar daily.

Move More, Sit Less

Regular exercise is crucial. Even a brisk 30-minute walk each day can make a significant difference. Find activities you enjoy - your heart will thank you.

Beyond the Numbers

While coronary calcium scans can be useful, they’re just one piece of the puzzle. Don’t let a score scare you into unnecessary procedures. Instead, focus on lifestyle changes and work with your doctor to determine if medications like statins are right for you.

The Power of Prevention

Regular check-ups and screenings are essential. Keep tabs on your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. Remember, catching issues early is key to maintaining a healthy heart for years to come.


As I’ve explained, calcium scores are a powerful tool for assessing heart health. They provide a clear picture of arterial plaque build-up, helping predict future cardiovascular risks. While a score of zero is ideal, any result gives you actionable information. Remember, these tests are just one piece of the puzzle. Combine them with other screenings and a heart-healthy lifestyle for optimal protection. Don’t wait for symptoms to appear - being proactive about your heart health can add years to your life.

Dr. Steven Lu
Chief Medical Officer | MBBS (hons) | DCH FRACGP

Steven is a specialist general practitioner, preventative health consultant, medical educator, healthcare entrepreneur and co-founder of Everlab. With 15+ years of clinical experience, and driven by his passion for preventive care outcomes, Steven is dedicated to personalised and innovative approaches to enhance well-being, extend human lifespan, and improve healthspan.

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